One of my main goals with this collection is to not only embrace the art of spontaneous and expressive portrait making , but to spread awareness about an issue our society still struggles with, and has recently been one of the pinnacle discussions in the media. Did you know that every 98 seconds, a person in America experiences sexual assault? When predators are looking for a victim, they do not discriminate. They are just searching for a face. No matter your age, race, or gender— it could be you.
Opening the discussion isn't always comfortable, but it is paramount. Now in 2018, people are speaking out through campaigns like “Time’s Up Now” and #metoo, encouraging men and women to comfortably break their silence and demand justice.
The main statistic I want to leave you with is very promising—The rate of sexual assault and rape has fallen 63% since 1993. Awareness is helping to bring these numbers down. Awareness is saving lives. As these faces leave the gallery and spread out into the world, that is the energy I want them to carry. They will spread the positivity of change—not the fear of being a statistic. Who will be the ones to help encourage change? It could be you.
Join me here and on my Instagram (@soil.mate) for the continuous, daily release of this series. I will be posting on face a day until opening night, July 6th, 2018. It could be you.

For every face sold from this collection, $30 dollars will be donated to SafePath Child's Advocacy Center
SafePath’s mission is to reduce the trauma to children and their families by offering a
comprehensive, professional and child-friendly approach to allegations of child abuse.
SafePath’s vision is a community free of child abuse.
For inquiries on these pieces, please contact dk@dkgallery.us